
The South Coast Referee Association


June 1989

Amended May 1997

Amended May 2006

Amended July 2013

Amended Feb 2020

Amended Nov 2021

Amended June 2023


NAME: This body shall be known as the SOUTH COAST REFEREE ASSOCIATION, with an

abbreviated title of “SCRA”.


PURPOSE: The purpose of the Association is to improve the level of officiating the game of soccer

throughout southern Orange County through education and practical experience.



Section A. Voting Members

All USSF-registered Soccer Referees are eligible to become members of this Association. Their

application shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. Members in good standing shall

have at regular meetings and the annual general meeting one vote. As used hereinafter, the term

member specifically refers to a voting member as described in this section.

1. “Members in good standing” is defined as any member who is registered with USSF as a

Referee, Instructor, Assignor, or Assessor for the current calendar year, and earns ten (10) or

more points annually (June 1 - May 31) and is in good financial standing with the Association as

of two weeks before the date of the election. If the Association does not make a member aware

that they owe money at least a month before the election the Financial Standing requirement shall

not apply to that Member.

Points are earned as follows:

a. One (1) point for the completion of a match assigned by the Association

b. One (1) point for attendance at the monthly membership meeting

c. One (1) point for attendance at the monthly Board of Directors meeting (SCRA Board

members only)

d. One (1) point for each match formally evaluated/assessed (USSF Qualified Assessors only)

e. One (1) point for each State activity attended

f. One (1) point for each training session presented


For new members, active, and reinstated members who are unable to accumulate the necessary

points within the Association’s year based upon the date of joining or reinstatement, the Board of

Directors may elect to waive the requirements for those members.

“Good financial standing” is defined as a member’s arrears not exceeding $25.00

Section B. Affiliate Members

All persons interested in soccer refereeing are eligible to become members of this Association. Their

application shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. Affiliated members shall receive

the correspondence of this Association and may attend all regular meetings and the annual general

meeting. Affiliate members shall not have a vote in the affairs of this Association, nor shall they be

eligible for selection as Officers of this Association. Affiliate members may not be assigned as a soccer

referee by this Association.

Section C. Trade Members

All persons who are employed in a business allied to soccer (uniforms and equipment suppliers,

wholesalers, manufacturers to the soccer market) are eligible to become trade members. Their

application shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. Trade members shall receive all

correspondence of this Association and may be invited to attend all regular meetings and the annual

general meeting. Trade members shall not have a vote in the affairs of this Association, nor shall they

be eligible for selection as Officers or members of the Board of Directors of this Association. Trade

members who are not USSF registered soccer officials shall not be assigned by this Association to


Section D. Termination of Membership

Membership terminates upon written notification of resignation, abandonment, or disciplinary action

as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. “Abandonment” is defined as the “severance of

Association ties due to inactivity for a period of one year”.

Section E. By-Laws

Every new member shall have a copy of this Association’s by-laws made available to them when

approved for membership.



The Officers of this Association shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

They shall be elected at or within 3 months of the annual general meeting and voted for separately by

ballot (in-person or electronically via online election), and shall receive the majority of all votes cast.

They shall hold office for two years until their successors are elected. They shall be eligible for reelection,

except for the President, who is eligible for two consecutive 2-year terms only.


The terms shall be staggered so that each year 2 positions are up for election. Beginning in 2020 the

election of the President and Vice President shall take place in even-numbered years and the election

of the Treasurer and Secretary shall take place in odd-numbered years.

To be eligible for election to the Board of Directors, a candidate must:

1 Have been approved as a voting member at least twelve (12) months before the closing

date for nominations

2 Be in good standing with this Association, California Soccer Association South, Inc., and

with the USSF

3 Be a currently registered USSF referee (any grade) on the date nominations for elections

are closed.



The duties of the Officers and the Board of Directors shall be as implied by their respective titles and

as specified in the by-laws in the following sections.

Officers/Executive Board Members:

Section A. President

The President shall appoint all standing committees. He shall be Chairman at regular meetings and

Board of Directors meetings. He shall have one vote. In the event of a tie, the President has one

additional vote to break the tie. He is an ex-officio member of all committees. The President, or other

official designated by the President, shall be responsible for negotiating and monitoring contracts with

the various soccer organizations. All contracts shall be presented to and approved by the Board of


Section B. Vice-President

The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of his duties and shall exercise all

powers of the President in his absence. He shall also function as Membership Chairman. He shall

have one vote.

Section C. Secretary

The Secretary shall keep a roll of all members of this Association and shall give notice of meetings.

He shall conduct all correspondence and keep a record of the same. He shall take notice of all

meetings, keep records, and mail copies of same to each Board member at their request. He shall

have one vote.

Section D. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive all money due to this Association. He shall keep a detailed account and

record of all funds. He shall pay all bills charged against the Association after the same have been

approved by the Board of Directors. Any two of the following are authorized to sign: President, Vice-

President, Secretary, Treasurer. He shall give a short report at regular meetings. He shall, upon


request by any member, give a detailed account of his books, provided the request has been received

two (2) weeks before the meeting by the Secretary. He shall have one vote.

Section E. Director of Instruction

The Director of Instruction shall be appointed by the President and approved by a majority of the Board

of Directors. The Board of Directors may remove the Director of Instruction from their responsibilities,

by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a regular or special Board meeting. The Director of

Instructor shall be, at a minimum, a USSF registered referee instructor. He shall plan and direct the

instructional program. He shall be in charge of all Rules sessions at regular or any special rule

meetings. He shall coordinate the appearance of instructional speakers. He shall use the newsletter

to publish pertinent instructional material. He shall coordinate and document the training attendance

of the membership.

Section F. Director of Assignment

The Director of Assignment shall be appointed by the President and approved by a majority of the

Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may remove the Director of Assignment and may be

removed from their responsibilities, by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a regular or special

Board meeting. The Director of Assignment shall follow the guidelines established in the “Referee

Assignment Policy” as indicated in Standing Rule 7. In cooperation with the Board of Directors, he

shall be responsible for all assignments. He shall distribute general information pertaining to

assignments. The Director of Assignment shall not hold an elected Board Position. The Director of

Assignment and any Assignors will work under contract.

Section G. Director of Referee Development

The Director of Referee Development shall be appointed by the President and approved by a majority

of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may remove the Director of Referee Development

from their responsibilities, by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a regular or special Board

meeting. The Director of Referee Development shall be, at a minimum, a USSF-registered Referee

(grade 8). He shall be responsible for overseeing the development and maintenance of referee skills

of SCRA Referees, with special emphasis on youth referees and those referees desiring upgrades to

higher-level badges. He will act as a liaison between referees and assessors and will work with the

assignor to provide assessment and mentoring opportunities for SCRA referees.

Section H. Past President

The Past President, as long as he remains active in the Association or unless elected to the Board of

Directors, shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for the duration of the incoming

President’s term. He shall have one vote.

Section I. Member(s) at Large

The Member at Large shall be appointed by the President and approved by a majority of the Board of

Directors. The Member at Large shall perform various duties as determined from time to time by the


President, or by the Board of Directors. More than one Member at Large may be appointed by the

President. The Board of Directors can terminate the Member at Large at a Board meeting, or the

completion of their assignment.

Section J. Retiring Officers

All Officers, upon retiring or end of term from office, shall deliver to the President all records, books,

papers, and other property belonging to this Association.

Section K. Misconduct or Neglect of Duty

1. All Officers and Directors shall conduct the business of this Association in accordance with

the prudent-man concept. Serious misconduct or neglect of duty shall render an Officer or

Director liable for dismissal from office.

2. In the event of misconduct or neglect by an Officer, that Officer may be removed by a 2/3

vote of the Board of Directors with approval of the majority of members present at the general

membership meeting.

a. The affected Officer shall neither vote nor be counted in the 2/3 apportionment.

b. The motion or resolution for removal from office shall be published as due notice

and the matter shall be debated and voted on the immediately following general

meeting. A majority of votes cast for removal shall be sufficient to dismiss the Officer

from or their Director’s office.

3. For any other complaint of misconduct or neglect of duty by an Officer or Director, such

complaint shall be investigated in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order: Offences

Elsewhere Than a Meeting: Trials - Steps in Fair Disciplinary Process:

a. Confidential investigation of the committee whose members are not objected to by

the accused

b. Report of resolutions either exonerating the accused or preferring specific charges

c. Formal notification of the accused

d. Formal hearing before the membership at a general meeting.

Section L. Summary of Officers and Directors

The following table depicts a summary of Officers and Directors:



The Annual General Meeting shall take place in May of each year and each member shall receive

notice at least ten (10) days prior. The agenda of the annual general meeting shall be as follows:

A. Roll Call

B. Reading of the Minutes (previous annual meeting)

C. Report of the President

D. Report of the Treasurer

E. Report of the Secretary

F. Report of the Delegate

G. Change of By-laws

H. Miscellaneous

I. Election of Officers

J. Suggestions for improvements/promotion of good soccer



There shall be one (1) regular meeting of the membership a month, which shall include a rules meeting.

Any monthly meeting may be dispensed with, with the approval of the Board of Directors. It will be the

duty of the Chairman to present the regular meeting with a well-balanced agenda. All members are

requested to attend. All Affiliate members are invited to attend.




There shall be a corresponding stated Board of Directors meeting for each scheduled regular meeting

of the Association. The President shall have the right to call a Board of Directors meeting whenever

he deems it necessary. The Board of Directors meeting shall deal with all matters pertaining to soccer

and referees and it shall handle all business matters entrusted to it by the members. Its decisions shall

be final, subject to Article 7. The Board of Directors shall have the power to deal with all differences

and controversies which may arise, or any other matter not covered by these by-laws.



Any member of this Association shall have the right to appeal a decision made by the Board of

Directors at the next regular meeting of the South Coast Referee Association, at which time, all cases

may be reviewed and voted upon by the members present. A majority vote of the members shall be




When a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors, the President shall appoint a member who is in

good standing to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. Such appointment shall be ratified by a

majority vote of the Board of Directors. Should the vacancy occur in the Presidency, the Vice-President

shall succeed for the remainder of the unexpired term. In the event these two Officers shall become

unavailable, the members shall elect their successors for the remainder of the term, at the next regular

meeting. The Director of Instruction shall act as Interim President and conduct this meeting.



Section A. Fines, Penalties, Dismissals

Any member who violates the codes of conduct of the USSF, USYSA, CSA-S, or CYSAS, shall be

censured according to the rules of those groups. All charges against a member or an Officer of this

Association shall be made in writing to the Secretary of this Association, setting forth full details. Any

adverse decisions against a member may be automatically appealed. The member shall be advised

of his right of appeal and the steps to be taken in the appeal process. Members guilty of misconduct

may be subject to warning, censorship, fine, loss of membership privileges, or other activities as may

be appropriate as may be permitted under the above process.

Section B. Finances

1. The dues of this Association and the schedule for payments for the ensuing year shall be

determined at the annual general meeting.

2. The Association shall have no power to assess its members except when a state of financial

emergency exists as determined by a majority of the membership and then only to the extent

determined by a majority of the membership.


3. If the Director of Assignment or Assigners performs all the tasks associated with the

assigning and with a contract entered between this Association and another entity for the

purpose of assigning, he shall be paid per assignment. He shall be reimbursed for reasonable

expenses as approved by the Board of Directors.

4. work contracts performed for the Association can be entered into, provided:

a. All proposed contracts approved by the Board of Directors

b. No contract shall extend beyond one (1) year term except when approved by a

majority of the membership.

5. For purposes of obtaining approval of a majority of the membership as required by Article

9, Section B, a vote shall be taken after due notice by ballot or division at a general meeting.

Ballot by anonymous online (electronic) voting tools can be used as determined by the Board

of Directors. Voting by proxy is prohibited. The membership will be notified, in writing, as to

the time and place of the vote, if at a meeting, or, as to the time electronic ballots shall be

opened if ballot by anonymous online (electronic) voting tools.

6. This Association’s financial records shall be audited for the calendar year before the first

general meeting of the new fiscal year and shall be available to any member who requests the

information. Any time there is a change in President or Treasurer, the financial records shall

be audited within 120 days of the new President and or Treasurer taking office. This is to

protect both the outgoing and incoming persons.

Section C. Dress

The official dress of members of this Association for officiating matches shall be as specified by USSF.

No exception shall be allowed.

Section D. General Rules for Referees

1. In order to be in good standing a member shall:

a. Pay all money due to the Association in accordance with the requirements to

maintain voting member status as defined in Article 1, Section A herein. Failure to

comply with this provision shall be sufficient cause to remove the member’s name from

the active rolls and suspend said individual’s rights of membership in this Association

until such time as the individual makes restitution to the Association, including any and

all reinstatement fees. The Board of Directors shall be authorized to require a

performance deposit from any member who has been delinquent more than once.

b. Respect and obey any and all decisions made by the Association.

c. Attend all meetings for which they received notice.

d. Participate in the affairs of the Association.

2. For a member to be declared not in good standing, a hearing shall be conducted in

accordance with Article 9, Section A.

3. No member shall be allowed to change his assignment. Realignment of responsibilities as

a result of one or more officials not appearing for a match or becoming incapacitated during


a match, shall not be considered an assignment for purposes of this paragraph, provided it

be in accordance with the SCRA Board of Directors procedures.

4. No member shall be allowed to request or accept any assignments to any game or games

in which he has a conflict of interest.

5. No member, except the Director of Assignment, shall assign himself. No member shall

interfere with official assignments approved by the State or this Association.

6. As a matter of courtesy, members shall furnish copies of any correspondence directed to

the governing bodies of soccer (local, State, Federal, or international) or any other soccer

organization which might tend to reflect upon or affect the reputation, or business of this


7. A member officiating in a game wherein a player has been cautioned or ejected for

misconduct, shall make his report in accordance with the rules of that league. In addition,

when a player has been ordered from the field for misconduct, a copy of the report shall be

delivered to the President and Assignor of this Association within forty-eight (48) hours. In

addition, when a referee has been assaulted, a telephone call or other immediate for of

communication shall be made to the President of this Association and a copy of the report

shall be mailed to the appropriate Association within the stipulated time.

8. A member, when assigned to a game, shall be on the playing field before the official game

time for the start of the game by a time determined by the governing Association.

9. Any member who is unable to fulfill his assignment shall notify the Director of Assignment

as soon as possible and may be subject to penalty if no notification is given.

10. To be eligible for USSF game assignments, members must be currently registered with


11. Availability for game assignments shall be maintained at all times. If games are assigned

in compliance with the Referee’s latest stated availability, but the Referee declines the

assignments, the Referee may be subject to fines and penalties.

Section E. Procedural Rules

For any circumstances not covered in these by-laws, ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER shall govern.

Section F. Gender

Where the male gender is used herein the female gender shall be construed to have the same meaning

and intent.



The fiscal year for this Association shall begin June 1st and end May 31st.

Adopted June 1989

Amended May 1997





All games assigned by this Association shall be conducted using the diagonal system of control.

In case a member assigned as the referee, does not show up in time for his match, the following

procedures shall be followed:

a. If neither assigned Assistant Referee is qualified as defined by USSF to referee the game,

the game shall NOT be conducted.

b. If one of the assigned Assistant Referees is rated to referee the same game level, he will

assume the responsibilities as the referee and conduct the match utilizing a club linesman on

the other line, thereby adhering to the diagonal system.

c. The absent referee may be fined an amount up to, but not to exceed, the total game fee.

The members that showed up for their assignments will be paid for that fine. If the members

who showed up are paid at the field, the fine will go into the Association’s treasury.

d. Assistant Referees are to allow the same 15-minute grace period for tardy officials that they

are required to do for tardy teams.

In case a member assigned as an Assistant Referee does not show up in time for his match, the

following procedures are to be followed:

a. The referee will conduct the match utilizing a club linesman in the place of the absent


b. Referees are encouraged to allow the 15-minute grace period for tardiness before starting

the match.

The referee shall receive 60% and the single Assistant Referee shall receive 40% of the fee collected.

Referees need to be at the field at least 30 minutes before game time unless instructed otherwise.

Referees who arrive late may be subject to fines and penalties as determined by the Board of



The following are SCRA procedures for the collection of officiating fees:

1. All game fees should be collected before the start of the game.

2. For a three-person Referee team, non-tournament game fees are distributed with the

referee getting 40% and the assistant referees dividing the balance in half. A fee schedule will

be distributed each year with specific pay rates for the 3-person, 2-person, and 1-person

Referee assignments based on game length/player age.


3. Tournament fees received for games shall be paid in accordance with the agreed-upon

contract price negotiated between the Association and the Tournament being supported.

4. If any checks are accepted as payment, the referee will take the check, if only one check

was received. If two checks are received the senior assistant referee will take the second


5. If the game is canceled due to weather before the start of the second half, the fees collected

shall be returned to the teams. In all other cases resulting in a cancellation, no fee, or part of

a fee shall be returned.

6. In cases where games are not played because a team or teams did not show up, Field(s)

are not available for scheduled games, Each official is to complete the “CLAIM FOR

PAYMENT OF FEES” form. This form must be sent to the Treasurer within seven (7) days of

the subject scheduled game. These claims will be discussed at the next regularly scheduled

Board of Directors meeting and approved payments will be made within seven (7) days from

that meeting.

7. A schedule of fees from the leagues serviced by this Association will be published.


1. The referee has sole responsibility for the playability of the field.

2. If a referee cancels a game because, in his opinion, the field is not playable, that decision

pertains only to that specific game. Referees assigned to any subsequent games on that field

have the responsibility of making that determination at the scheduled game time.

3. It is the responsibility of the Assistant Referee to be available as scheduled for any

subsequent games unless the referee has excused them.


1. A written request for tournament officials is to be submitted to the SCRA Board of Directors

at least sixty (60) days before the first playing date. This request, at a minimum, should contain

the following information:

a. Name and dates of the tournament

b. Number of games by age category for each date

c. Playing minutes per half for each age category

d. Rules of competition to be used.

2. The fees for the officials will be based upon the fee schedule in effect on the dates of the

tournament or as agreed upon by the SCRA Board of Directors.


3. In addition to the fees for the officials, SCRA will charge a fee to cover administration

expenses. This fee shall be negotiated, but it shall not be less than the actual cost to the


4. A minimum deposit of 75% of the officials’ fees and the total administrative fee is to be

submitted, by certified check, or money order, to the SCRA Treasurer at least fourteen (14)

calendar days before the first game date of the tournament.

5. The balance of the fees are to be submitted by the end of the last playing date of the


6. The game assignment schedule (field/age categories/playing time) is to be submitted to the

SCRA Director of Assignment at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the first game date

of the tournament.


The Board of Directors will decide annually the annual dues will be for the upcoming year, each

November effective January 1 for the upcoming year. All individuals requesting reinstatement pursuant

to actions taken in accordance with Article 9 shall be subject to a reinstatement fee of $25.00.

Returning members will not be assessed this charge.


Members are considered “Junior members” if under the age of nineteen (19) during the year in which

they become a member. The Board of Directors will decide annually the annual dues will be for the

upcoming year, each September effective January 1 for the upcoming year for Junior Members.


The Director of Assignment and Assignors shall be paid per game assigned at a rate determined by

the Board of Directors as stated in the contract. The Director of Assignment shall be reimbursed for

reasonable operating expenses such as telephone, printing, and postage as they relate to

assignments as approved by the Board of Directors. The Director of Assignment Shall approve

invoices submitted by Assignors for services rendered, and present them to the Treasurer for Board

Approval. The Director of Assignment shall submit by invoice to the Treasurer for Board Approval.


1. It is the practice of SCRA to provide quality referees to all requesting organizations utilizing

the best-qualified officials for the match assigned. All games will be assigned with a team of

officials selected based on ability, availability, and perceived game difficulty.


2. SCRA intends to assign officials at a level commensurate with their proven abilities. It is

suggested that assignments to higher-level matches will only occur after a referee has

demonstrated game control and appropriate fouls and misconduct recognition at a lower level.

3. Assignment of officials will be rotated from field to field, week to week based upon availability

and demonstrated skill level.

a. Officials will not be assigned to the same team on a routine basis. All attempts will

be made to avoid assignments that give the perception of favoritism or where there

have been significant referee/coach/team interactions.

b. All referees who accept assignments from Associations other than SCRA shall notify

the Director of Assignment as soon as possible to preclude assignment conflicts and

degradation of performance.

4. Officials should not be assigned to officiate a game when a member of their immediate

family is playing in that division. (Reference Coast Soccer League Competition Rules and


5. In tournament matches, referee game assignments for the quarter-final, semifinal, and final

games should go, wherever possible, to those referees who have worked the tournament and

whose performance has been acceptable.

6. Assignments shall be made within ten (10) days of receipt of the game schedule, but not

less than 72 hours before games whenever possible.

7. The Director of Assignment, or the Assignor, shall be personally available by telephone to

handle any last-minute scheduling problems up to 11:00 A.M. on Saturdays, Sundays, and up

to 9:00 A.M. on tournament days, unless present and available for problem resolution at the

tournament site.

8. It shall be the responsibility of the official to notify the Director of the Assignment, or the

Assignor if a game assignment cannot be made. If a conflict occurs within twenty-four (24)

hours of kick-off time and the Director of Assignment cannot be reached, the referee should

make every attempt to find a qualified replacement in addition to notifying the Director of


9. The Director of Assignment shall present to the Board of Directors as requested by the

Board of Directors, an up-to-date status report of assignments made for all referees. The report

shall contain the name of the referee, current USSF levels, the date and time of games,

locations, and game levels assigned.

10. The Director of Assignment shall use current USSF ratings in making appropriate game


11. Upon direction from the Board of Directors, the Director of Assignment shall not assign a

referee if there has been a breach of the Referee Code of Ethics.

12. Referee assignment complaints should be made in writing, to the Secretary. Written

complaints shall be presented to the Board of Directors for appropriate response and action.


Verbal complaints may be presented to the Board of Directors by any member referee at any

regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting.

13. The Director of Assignment shall coordinate with the Director of Assessment in assigning

the appropriate level of games to those referees desiring a field evaluation or assessment for

upgrade purposes.


  • Availability and dependability
  • Proven proficiency in Officiating (e.g., USSF Badge level including fitness
  • Provides complete and timely game reports
  • Attendance at meetings
  • Professional conduct (Refer to USSF Referee Code of Ethics)